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Certified Sex Therapist Nicole Schroeder Praises Versatility and Texture of Pleasure Pods Lubricant

Nicole Schroeder, MSW, RSW, BESTCO

Certified Sex Therapist, Individual and Partnered Sex Therapy and Relationship Counselling Group Facilitator Toronto ON

"I was really impressed by Pleasure Pods. I have tended to avoid any lubricant based on my previous experiences of
them being "goopy". Now that I'm fully in the throes of menopause, avoidance is no longer an option lol. l've always been very particular about texture, and this was great. I also liked the fact that it's unscented or has a scent that is very subtle (either way, it's great).
Not only was the product great for sexual activity, I found myself using it as well as a vaginal moisturizer to great effect, and additionally used some of the remainder on my legs post wax, and that was fantastic too!"
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