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Hi, I’m Deb.

I want to talk about something so many women experience but rarely discuss - dating or being in a relationship during perimenopause or menopause.

It’s not easy!

For me, it meant hot flashes, vaginal dryness, UTI’s, and painful intimacy.

When I met Brian at 53,

I was in full-blown menopause. I was finally starting to enjoy intimacy again, until those symptoms made it painful.

I tried every type of lubricant out there, but nothing worked. They either caused irritation or had chemicals I didn’t want in my body.

So, we tried coconut oil. It was natural, but it was messy, stained my sheets, and made me feel more stressed than relaxed.

Hi, I’m Brian.

One night, Deb looked at me and said, “I can’t do this anymore”. That’s when we decided to create something better.

As men, we don’t always understand what women are going through, because no one talks about it. But when Deb opened up, it helped me see how important it was to be part of the solution.

Together, we spent two years working with our formulator Vera and a team of plant scientists to create PLEASURE PODS.

They’re all-natural,

free of harsh chemicals, and designed to help women like us - women navigating menopause or with sensitive skin, experience pain-free, worry-free intimacy.

Men, start the conversation. Be supportive, listen, and learn. It’s worth it, because intimacy should feel good for both of you.


Deb, Brian, and Beau

Hi, I’m Deb.

I want to talk about something so many women experience but rarely discuss - dating or being in a relationship during perimenopause or menopause.

It’s not easy!

For me, it meant hot flashes, vaginal dryness, UTI’s, and painful intimacy.

When I met Brian at 53,

I was in full-blown menopause. I was finally starting to enjoy intimacy again, until those symptoms made it, well, painful.

I tried every type of lubricant out there, but nothing worked. They either caused irritation or had chemicals I didn’t want in my body.

So, we tried coconut oil. It was natural, but it was messy, stained my sheets, and made me feel more stressed than relaxed.

Hi, I’m Brian.

One night, Deb looked at me and said, “I can’t do this anymore”. That’s when we decided to create something better.

As men, we don’t always understand what women are going through, because no one talks about it. But when Deb opened up, it helped me see how important it was to be part of the solution.

Together, we spent two years working with Vera our formulator and a team of plant scientists to create PLEASURE PODS.

They’re all-natural,

free of harsh chemicals, and designed to help women like us - women navigating menopause or with sensitive skin, experience pain-free, worry-free intimacy.

Men, start the conversation. Be supportive, listen, and learn. It’s worth it, because intimacy should feel good for both of you.


Deb, Brian, and Beau